Pokemon GO – Kanto Dex Complete

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After just over two years, yesterday I was finally able to complete the original Kanto pokedex in Pokemon GO. It took me a lot longer than some but I do like to think I am quite casual when it comes to Pokemon games in general. I completed 150/151 and received the certificate when I was in the 5th and 6th grade on my blue and yellow versions, and also completed 721/721 several years later in pokemon Y. I haven’t got huge into Gen 7 yet. I played through moon and currently playing through UltraSun but haven’t begun migrating my Gen 6 guys over due to the lack of a national pokedex.

Anyways, back to Pokemon GO. I had been sitting on 148/151 for a while. Only needing #115 Kangaskhan, #122 Mr. Mime, and #150 Mewtwo. If you are familiar with Pokemon GO you may already know that Kangaskhan is regional to Australia and Mr. Mime to Europe, and up until recently Mewtwo was only available through EX Raids which required an invite to. Well thanks to the Professor Willow’s Global Research Challenge Ultra Bonus Event, for a limited time regional pokemon are able to be hatched in 7km eggs and Mewtwo is a standard Raid boss.

As soon as Mewtwo went live on September 20th my local raid group chat had people to group with and since Thursday, Ashley and I have caught 4 out of 5 Mewtwos each.

It took roughly 15 super incubators (which hatch 3 eggs each, so 45 or so hatches) but I was able to get 4 Mr. Mimes and a Kangaskhan that finally hatched yesterday which completed the Kanto pokedex.


Hopefully we will see the addition of Generation 4 soon, as well as future events which will allow us to get regional pokemon without actually travelling the globe.